About Me

My photo
ella. twenty-one. everything on impulse.
This blog's intended to be an online journal of some sort where I post my ramblings and obsessions, where I share photos of my walks, where I tell you how awesome my day went or how crappy it was. No, this is not a diary because no matter how personal it gets here, I still have the liberty to keep to myself the names of the people I want dead.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Dinagyang 2011

Good friends. Great food. Great merriment.

The Glow Series

Went drinking last night with Joms, Nina, Mark, Erl, Koethy, and Jen. This was after Jen's spanish-themed event which featured performances from dancer friends. The kids wanted to have fun and so staged a glow-drawing series. see photos below to see how magic happens with slow shutter speed. :)

Jeannie's Pre-birthday Pictorial

Last Jan. 26, Jeanni asked me to take photos of her, sort of like a pre-birthday shoot since her day is on the 27th. There. Bought some balloons, picked a sweet dress, a hint of makeup and with the special participation of her niece we whipped up a lovely editorial, balloon-themed. LOL

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Monday, January 17, 2011


pimp your myspace

gif animation

Jan, as shown here, is obviously having fun with his splits in midair. HAHA

pimp your myspace at Gickr.com

pimp myspace with Gickr