About Me

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ella. twenty-one. everything on impulse.
This blog's intended to be an online journal of some sort where I post my ramblings and obsessions, where I share photos of my walks, where I tell you how awesome my day went or how crappy it was. No, this is not a diary because no matter how personal it gets here, I still have the liberty to keep to myself the names of the people I want dead.

Friday, October 1, 2010

T(went)eenage Dream

I want to be a hippie,hitch-hike across Europe, get a tat, be a junkie. I want to live (er, deconstruct my life). haha. I think I'm too young to be working. I want to be outdoorsy and get my skin burnt (as if it's not). Go backpacking across Indochina, island-hopping in Palawan, zipping in Bora. haha. I want to hit the beach again! I want ink on my back, running down my spine area (like Tuesday's). haaay haaay. Frustrations of a 6-6er, (yes folks, 9-5ers are so last century).

Yes. Very high-fashion hippie at that!

Photo credit:  http://rookielle.blogspot.com/2010/09/hppie-day.html

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